1º Semestre 2021-22

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Political Philosophy & North-American Philsophy (2021-2022)

11 08 2021 Political Philosophy And NA Philosophy (Program)

11 08 2021 List of Readings- Political Philosophy

11 08 2021 KEYWORDS – List of Readings, Political Philosophy


90 – (1). 1641 Massachusetts_Body_of_Liberties (15 pp.).pdf
91 – (2) 1776, Thomas Jefferson Rough Draft of the Decl. Ind. July 2 1776.pdf
92 – (3) 1776, The Declaration of Independence, 04 07 1776.pdf
93 – (4) 1781 (1777) The Articles of Confederation.pdf
94 – (5) 1786, Th. Jefferson, Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom.pdf
95 – (6) 1787, James Madison, Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787.pdf
96 – (7) 1787, Benjamin Franklin Speech to the Constitutional Federal Convention.pdf
97 – (8) 1787, Constitution of the United States (17 09 1787).pdf
98 – (9) 1787 Ramsay, Address to the Freemen of Sth. Carolina (Speech).pdf
99 – (10) 1787, Brutus I, Against the Federal Constitution (18 10 1787).pdf
100 – (11) 1787, 10 27, Hamilton, Federalist 1.pdf
101 – (12) 1787. 11 01, Brutus II.pdf
102 – (13) 1787, 11 22, Madison, Federalist 10.pdf
103 – (14) 1788, 01 16, Madison, The Federalist 39.pdf
104 – (15) 1788. 02. 08, Hamilton ot Madison, Federalist 51.pdf
105 – (16) 1789, James Madison Speech on Amendments to the Constitution.pdf
106 – (17) 1791, The ten first Amendments to the USA Constitution (Bill of Rights).pdf
107 – (18) 1792, James Madison, Property.pdf
108 – (19) 1796 Washington s Farewell Address (13 pp.).pdf
109 – (20) The Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 (Note+ 2 versions, 18 pp.).pdf
110 – (21) 1801 Th. Jefferson First Inaugural Address (Note & Speech, 8 pp.).pdf
111 – (22) 1803 John Marshall (CJ) Marbury v. Madison.pdf
112 – (23) 1819, Emma Willard, Improving Female Education.pdf
113 – (24) 1830, The Webster-Hayne Debates.pdf
114 – (25) 1831 John C. Calhoun, Fort Hill Address, 26 07 1831.pdf
115 – (26) W. Lloyd Garrison Anti-Slavery Declaration (1833).pdf
116 – (27) 1848, J. C. Calhoun, Speech on the Oregon Bill.pdf
117 – (28) 1852, Douglass, What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July.pdf
118 – (29) 1857, Roger Taney, Dred Scott v. Sandford.pdf
119 – (30) 1861 03 04, Lincoln, First Inaugural Address of Abraham.pdf
120 – (31) 1863 & 1865, Abraham Lincoln, Emancipation and XIII Amendment.pdf
121 – (32) 1896, Plessy v. Ferguson.pdf
122 – (33) W. Wilson, Fourteen Points Speech, Jaunary 8, 1918.pdf
123 – (34) 1926, Calvin Coolidge, Speech on 150 years of the Declaration of Independence.pdf
124 – (35) 1932. 09 23, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Commolwealth Club Address on New Deal.pdf
125 – (36) 1932 10 31, Herbert Hoover, Against the New Deal.pdf
126 – (37) 1941 01 06, FDR Four Freedoms Speech.pdf
127 – (38) 1944, 01 11, Franklin D. Roosevelt, State of the Union Address.pdf
128 – (39) 1954, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka I and II (CJ Warren).pdf
129 – (40) 1963, Martin Luther King, I Have a Dream (Speech).pdf
130 – (41) 1973, United States Supreme Court Ruling on Roe v Wade.pdf

51- (42) Correspondence between Thomas Jefferson and James Madison about the issue of intergenerational justice, 1789-1790.
149 – (43) Aldo Leopold, “Land Ethic”, 1949.
73 (44) Kenneth Boulding, “The Econmics of the Coming Spaceship Earth”, 1966.
150 (45) “Environment: Fighting to save Earth from Man”, Time, Feb.2, 1970.
151 – O Federalista, de Hamilton, Madison e Jay, 1787-1788 (tradução portuguesa de V. Soromenho-Marques e João Duarte, FCG, 2011).

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Unidade Curricular- «De Kant a Nietzsche: Temas de Filosofia Alemã»

1.º ciclo, 1.º semestre Ano lectivo 2021-2022

Docentes: Viriato Soromenho-Marques, com a colaboração de Adriana Veríssimo Serrão

Programa da Unidade Curricular- «De Kant a Nietzsche: Temas de Filosofia Alemã»

Leituras Obrigatórias da UC «De Kant a Nietzsche. Temas de Filosofia Alemã»


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